Boilers can be divided into several types according to different ways.
1.Types of Industrial Boilers According to Function
Boilers can be designed for two functions: to produce hot water or steam. Industrial boilers will always be used for steam production, which is a vital resource for different industrial applications such as turning turbines for power generation and heating kilns in cement plants.
2.Classes of Industrial Boilers by Tube Type
Boilers classified according to tube type come in two variations: fire tube boilers and water tube boilers.
3.Industrial Boilers by Fuel Type
Many classify, or talk about, boilers according to the fuel they burn. The possibilities are quite diverse.
Coal: Most industrial boilers burn pulverized coal, which fires more efficiently than coal clumps.
Biomass: Biomass encompasses all types of burnable plant material, such as wood chips, sugar cane husks, and even wooden construction debris.
Gas: Gas-fired boilers burn natural gas, which can be a mix of methane, ethane, propane, butane, or pentane.
Oil: Boilers that burn gasoline, diesel, or other petroleum-based fluids are classified as oil-fired boilers.
Steam: Hydronic industrial boilers use steam to heat their heat exchangers.
4. Industrial Boilers Classified by Combustion Technology
Industrial boilers can also be classified according to the combustion technology they use, which can be divided into layers of burning, burning (floating) combustion, fluidized bed (boiling) burning.
5. Industrial Boilers Classified by the factory pattern
According to the factory type is divided into quick install boiler, assembly boiler and bulk boiler.
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