Waste heat boiler, no matter in which country, are the trend. Many customers are running a new boiler to find Zhengzhou Boiler Co., Ltd. for procurement, but a considerable number of customers are applicable to buy the waste heat boiler, and they do not know, almost missed the "waste heat" that is an efficient and reliable energy-saving product. This part of the customers are mainly concentrated in the glass manufacturing industry, smelting industry, coking industry, waste disposal industry, cement manufacturing industry and so on.
Recently, a customer wants to buy 5 tons coal fired steam boilers, when our engineers learn about the detailed information, We know that this customer is operating coking industry. If the customer chooses coking waste heat boiler, flue gas waste heat from the production can be recycled, so that energy saving, economical and practical. But he re-purchase a 5 tons coal fired boilers, the cost of investment is doubled, the latter part of the operating costs, fuel costs, etc. will be more higher. Ultimately, We recommend customers to buy 5 tons coking waste heat steam boiler, which saves a lot of cost for customers.
If you are interested in 5 tons coking waste heat boiler or other industry waste heat boiler, you can consult with us to determine whether you can use waste heat boiler or not.
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