Combustion air pre-heat is another potential energy saving technique worthy of consideration. And it is an necessary boiler auxiliary equipment to save boiler energy and improve thermal efficiency.
The usual heat sources for combustion air pre-heating in an industrial boiler include:
Heat remaining in the gases;
High temperature air drawn from the top of the boiler house;
Heat recovered by drawing air over or through the boiler casing to reduce boiler losses
The thermal efficiency of a boiler plant could be increased by 1% if the combustion air temperature was raised by a further 20℃. Our clients must know higher boiler thermal efficiency, lower running costs. One percent efficiency improving can save thousands per day, especially to power plant owners.
Besides, boiler parts like memberane tube wall, convection tubes also can reduce heat loss and improving thermal transferring efficiency. You can chat online with our consumer service to know more. Filling in the form as below is fine too.
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