Autoclave machine for sale is widely applied in building material steam curing, like fly ash brick, concrete block, gypsum plate, PHC pile, wood treatment and so on. The autoclave price in India is varying for different factors. ZG Group is specialized in autoclave and boiler designing and manufacturing, we supply autoclaves for Indian clients with low cost.
ZG autoclaves machines for sale are are particularly frequently used in India market. The horizontal autoclave is a wide used equipment for heat sterilization, which commonly use steam heated to 121–134 °C. To achieve sterility, a holding time of at least 15 minutes at 121 °C at 100 kPa (15 psi), or 3 minutes at 134 °C at 100 kPa is required. The heat by the sterilization can reduce the number of disease-causing micro-organisms in the food or beverage to a level that is not dangerous for people with normal digestive and immune systems.
Steam boiler takes a crucial role in autoclave steam curing. We supply steam boilers for autoclave, good quality and performance, low cost. Our industrial autoclaves according to their application can be divided into sand lime brick autoclave, autoclave for PHC pile, cement pole autoclave, etc. We supply customer-designed industrial autoclaves.
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