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300 bhp oil and gas steam boiler

2019-08-15 17:08:01

   The 300 bhp oil and gas steam boiler produced by ZBG is a kind of steam equipment that can provide high quality steam quickly and efficiently. ZBG oil and gas steam boiler can burn natural gas, gas, diesel, heavy (original) oil, and can be used for both oil and gas. Boiler capacity ranges from 150 bhp to 10,000 bhp. The design pressure of oil and gas steam boilers can be as high as 9.8MP. The 300 hp steam boiler is approximately equal to 4.69 ton/hr. BHP, Kcal, ton/hr, three boiler capacity units have the following relationship: 1 ton steam is equivalent to 600,000 kcal, 1 ton steam is equivalent to 64 bhp, 1 bhp is equivalent to 8,440 kcal.

  ZBG 300 bhp oil and gas steam boiler types

  WNS series oil and gas steam boilers with capacities greater than at least 150 BHP, boiler plants with capacities up to 1500 bhp. The boiler control system driven by dry contact probes provides high precision for optimizing heat transfer and quick response time for variable load demands. The 300 bhp SZS series oil and gas steam boiler is a once through, natural circulation, water tube boiler in which water under pressure circulates at high velocity through a series of tubes while forced draft combustion gases travel across the outside of the tubes. The hot gases envelope the entire tube surface making maximum use of both radiant and convective heat to achieve very high heat transfer rates.

300 bhp oil and gas steam boiler

  ZBG 300 bhp oil and gas steam boilers are equipped with fully-automatic burners of safeguarding low emission combustion. The boiler has higher thermal efficiency and a low power consumption, resulting to lower operational cost. The rear section has a highly efficient economizer that further reduces flue gas temperature and increases boiler thermal efficiency. The gas and oil fired boilers use controlled combustion of the fuel to heat water. The key boiler components involved in this process are the burner, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, and controls. This kind of boiler is used in medicine, chemical industry, light industry, textile, building materials, breeding, food and beverage, plastic foam, printing and washing, rubber processing, paper making, wood processing, hotels, hotels, clothing and other industries.

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Boiler fuel:
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Biomass
  • Coal
  • Waste Heat
  • Other
  • Textile Industry
  • Central Heating
  • Food Plant
  • Power Plant
  • Chemical Industry
  • Waste Heat Recovery
  • AAC Block Plant
  • Hotel & Resort
  • CHP
  • Other