Leading the boiler industry with top quality and to be a century enterprise is the vision of ZG Group. ZG Group is a seventy-year-history boiler manufacturer, supplier and exporter. We are devoted to offering most cost-effective heat and power solutions for valued global clients in industry fields, such as textile industry, paper plant, chemical mill, steel industry, mining industry, space heating, etc.
A Gas Fired Hot Water Boiler Room
Here are the General Requirements for a Safe and Efficient Boiler Room:
1.Keep the boiler room clean and clear of all unnecessary items. The boiler room should not be considered an all-purpose storage area. The burner requires proper air circulation in order to prevent incomplete fuel combustion. Use boiler operating log sheets, maintenance records, and the production of carbon monoxide. The boiler room is for the boiler.
2.Ensure that all personnel who operate or maintain the boiler room are properly trained on all equipment, controls, safety devices, and up-to-date operating procedures.
3.Before start-up, ensure that the boiler room is free of all potentially dangerous situations, like flammable materials, mechanical, or physical damage to the boiler or related equipment. Clear intakes and exhaust vents; check for deterioration and possible leaks.
4.Ensure a thorough inspection by a properly qualified inspector.
5.After any extensive repair or new installation of equipment, make sure a qualified boiler inspector re-inspects the entire system.
6.Monitor all new equipment closely until safety and efficiency are demonstrated.
7.Use boiler operating log sheets, maintenance records, and manufacturer's recommendations to establish a preventive maintenance schedule based on operating conditions, past maintenance, repair, and replacement that were performed on the equipment.
8.Establish a checklist for proper startup and shutdown of boilers and all related equipment according to manufacturer's recommendations.
9.Observe equipment extensively before allowing an automating operation system to be used with minimal supervision.
10. Establish a periodic preventive maintenance and safety program that follows manufacturer's recommendations.
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