What are the advantages of biomass boilers

2018-11-06 16:42:25

In recent years, biomass boilers have attracted more and more attention. Why? We first understand the advantages of biomass boilers.

1. Less carbon content. The highest carbon content in biomass fuels is only about 50%, and the calorific value is low.

2. Hydrogen content is slightly higher. Most of the carbon and hydrogen in biomass combine to form low molecular hydrocarbons, and then decompose at a certain temperature to form volatiles, so biomass fuels are easy to ignite.

3. More oxygen. The oxygen content of biomass fuel is obviously more than that of coal, which makes biomass calorific value low.

4. Density is small. The density of biomass fuel is obviously lower than that of coal, the texture is loose, and it is easy to burn out. The carbon content in ash carbon is less than that in coal ash.

5. The CO2 released from biomass is very low, which can be regarded as zero emission of CO2.

6. The ash from biomass combustion can produce chemical fertilizer.

7. Biomass can be blended with coal to increase combustion efficiency.

8. Biomass combustion can achieve biomass waste reduction, harmless and resource utilization.

More information about biomass fired boiler advantages, please consult our online customer service or Email zbg@zzboiler.com.

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