oilers generate steam that aids in the cooking, sanitizing, processing, and packaging in the food industry. Processing in this industry takes place by direct heating or heating through hot water.
If your compagny is able to provide us this heavy oil fired horizontal steam boiler with all necessary accessoiries and one year necessary spare parts, thanks for forwarding to us your detailed quotation with all technical specification and catalog.
3 T/hr Natural Gas Fire Tube Boiler With Super Performance Low Cost. Installation / Commissioning:- Complete Installation / Commissioning of boiler is required. Accessories:- All required accessories should install with boiler.
Im Pablo Ramos from Argentina. We need a steam boiler of 3 tn/h of three steps wit natural gas burner. Could you send me your catalogue and offer?
8 Tons Per Hour Asphalt Plant Gas Steam Boiler Technical Specifications and Quotation
2 X Complete Exhaust gas boilers units with all electrical and mechanical auxiliaries
High Efficiency Lower Cost 15 ton Gas Oil Boiler for Food Industry
The scope of supply of the high pressure gas boiler with a capacity of 120 TPH and a pressure of 95Kg/cm2(g)
In the process of feed processing, boiler steam is used to make the temperature of the material reach 80-85°C and the moisture content to reach about 17%, and then the pellets of different particle sizes are formed by a granulator. The editor received an inquiry from a customer about the price of a 6-ton natural gas steam boiler in a feed factory。
Recently got an enquiry from a user who is setting up a scrap metal processing plant and found a steam turbine that might suit our needs, requiring about 35 tons of steam at 45bar and 400°C. Therefore, He wants to purchase a 35 tons of steam boiler steam that can burn HFO.
For all inquiries, please fill in the form below (* are required) to send us a brief message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.