Biomass has been a primary source of energy for many years, used for domestic heating and industrial cogeneration. For example, paddy husks are burned to produce steam for turbine operation in rice mills; bagasse and palm residues are used to produce steam and electricity for on-site manufacturing process. While, wood fired hot boiler provides hot water for milk and sweet process heating, Rubber and plastic industries. Wood fired steam boiler also creates local jobs in planting, harvesting, transporting and processing wood, while creating a high value use of the wood residual.
Wood fired hot water boilers are mainly used in hot water supply and heating supply, In a set of hot water boiler for central heating, while furnaces carry heat in warm air, boiler systems distribute the heat in hot water, which gives up heat as it passes through radiators or other devices in rooms throughout the house. The cooler water then returns to the boiler to be reheated.
Heating system is composed of three parts hot water boiler, heating line and radiator. Usually, it is a complex process to calculate heating consumption, heating pipe diameter, system pressure loss, etc. Estimated data will be helpful to choose a set of economic and energy-saving hot water boiler for residential areas, schools, swimming pools, etc.
Wood fired hot water boilers produced by ZBG have many types, in sizes from 1.4MW to 168MW. Therefore, if you want to learn more about wood fired hot water boiler heating or heating boiler cost, please feel free to consult our online customer service.
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